“Twin Petes Investing” is a collaboration between Peter @conkers3 and the Award Breaking Peter @WheelieDealer.

Both of us have several decades of involvement with the Markets and are Full Time Investors who find the day to day rigours of the ever-changing quest to make financial returns from the increasingly volatile markets fascinating. As anyone who has even just a limited amount of experience taking on the Markets will know, everybody has their own unique style and ways of taking on the challenge and although our methods have similarities, it is anticipated that our “Twin Petes Investing” podcasts will bring a range of perspectives and thoughts.

Thank you all for your generous and kind feedback after hearing and listening to our  #TwinPetesInvesting podcasts.

Here is a sample of your most recent feedback:

   Yet again another very informative podcast..especially the Logan’s Run bit ( Loved it btw) lol..really appreciated the more ‘personal’ touch you put into your podcasts ..us newbies would be lost without you..certainly gives you food for thought
Hi and , really enjoy listening to your podcasts. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
 Another great podcast and not just because I’m featured on it. Even though my style is very different from both and it’s nice to hear what they’re doing and how they’re thinking. Take note of holding onto junk shares and averaging down.
Please subscribe to our Soundcloud channel to receive alerts to all our podcasts.
A stock up 7,444 since January 1st 2000;
Sell in May & go away;
JD Sports #JD. ;
Telecom Plus #TEP;
Diploma #DPLM;
PaddyPower Betfair #PPB;
Environmental, social & governance investing #ESG;
Master Investor Show 2019;
Jim Mellon;
Artificial Intelligence #AI ;
Medical Cannabis #CBD;
Fidelity International;
Tom Stevenson;
Netwealth Investments;
Charlotte Ransom;
Legal & General #LGEN;
Aviva #AV.
FTSE 100;
Year to date returns;
Dow Jones #DJIA;
Momentum Investing;
TwinPetesInvesting “Live”
50% Discount tickets for Mello2019;
Mello Awards;
RSI readings;
Record highs;
Technical Analysis;
Bullish capitulation;
Chasing stocks;
Holding the baby;
Market noise;
Global Economy;
Retail sales;
Markets Ytd;
Lyft Inc $LYFT;
Tech stocks;
Aston Martin #AML;
AA Plc #AA.
Saga #SAGA;
Pension deficits;
Bonmarche #BON;
The importance of regulatory news service (rns) fully;
Cash burn;
Ashtead Group #AHT;
Retail is dead;
Running your profits;
Investing & much more;
The Twin Petes Investing podcast will be linked to and written about on the Conkers3 website 

and also on the WheelieDealer website

MelloEvents have an amazing  Discount special until May 1st use code EB50 & get 50% off your tickets use the link here: DISCOUNTED TICKETS 50% OFF 
Mello Investment Trusts & Funds show on 15th May 2019 you can use the EB50 code and purchase a discounted ticket for £10.
TwinPetesInvesting will be treating the Mello2019 audience to a “LIVE” interactive show at Mello2019 on Friday 17th May.
ShareSoc will be holding a MasterClass at Mello Investment Trusts & Funds show on 15th May 2019.
The theme for this masterclass is “Mastering Investor Psychology”.
The ShareSocUK Masterclass will run from 17.35 until 20.05, will be chaired by ISA millionaire Leon Boros.
The Masterclass panel and presentations will be given by:
Author, behavioural psychologist, blogger and active private investor Tim Richards;
Private investor, investing coach/mentor, presenter, interviewer, blogger, entrepreneur and founder of Conkers3 Ltd, Peter Higgins;
Author, blogger, keynote speaker, columnist, Chartered Financial Analyst, entrepreneur and co-founder of Stockopedia, Ed Croft;
Vastly experienced private investor, researcher, blogger and presenter, Alun Morris.

Thank you for reading this article, we hope you enjoyed it. Please share this article with others that you know will find it of interest.

Are you an institutional investor or private investor? What are your views or opinions on the markets at present? Please lets us know. We look forward to hearing from you. You can find more research articles, interviews, podcasts, videos and investment insights on our website and across some of our social media platforms that include TwitterLinkedInAudioBoom, iTunesYouTube and Facebook .

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